Common Disorder Caused by Extreme Early Childhood Trauma
The Importance of In-depth Trauma Screening Instruments
Transforming Your Agency into a Trauma-Informed Sanctuary of Care.
Developing a Trauma-Informed Agency from the “Bottom Up”
Within the Therapeutic Process of Addictions and Mental Health
Effective use of Polyvagal Therapy as a Treatment for Trauma
How to motivate your clients to change their addictive behaviours
A structural dissociative approach to trauma therapy
The art of creating space and “being fully with” your clients
Supporting Clients with Concurrent Disorders from a Trauma-informed Approach
The Basics for Frontline Staff
A Neuroplasticity Approach to Addictions and Mental Health
CBT Beginners Training for Workers in Healthcare & Community Service
Combining mindfulness to strengthen emotional regulation with existing PTSD treatments
An effective way to support clients who have a history of trauma, attachment, and personality disord
Phase Two
A Therapeutic Approach to Working with Trauma Parts (Part 2)
Clinical Skills for working with those who have endured trauma
Clinical skills for working with those who are battling addiction